In my previous blog post, I had mentioned that I'll be working on implementing the Autocomplete controller class which will display the icons list based on the search keyword provided by the query string and Font Awesome Icon data class which is responsible for parsing and caching the icon data from the icons.yml file provided by the fontawesome icon library.
The following code snippet shows how the icon data is fetched from the cache:
$icons = \Drupal::cache('data')->get('fontawesome_bundle.iconlist');
The autocomplete controller class contains the function handleIcons() which is responsible for searching the icon and returning the result to the textfield as the JSON response when specified as the routing path to the #autocomplete_route_name to the textfield in the form and the route name for this controller class is fontawesome_bundle.autocomplete specified in the .routing.yml file.
The following is the code snippet from the AutocompleteController class which is the response array and stores the result with the keys value and label:
$response[] = [
'value' => $icon,
'label' => t('<i class=":prefix fa-:icon fa-fw fa-2x"></i> :icon', [
':prefix' => \Drupal\fontawesome_bundle\FontAwesomeIconData::determinePrefix($icon_data[$icon]['styles']),
':icon' => $icon,
The $response array is returned as the JSON response using the Symfony's JsonResponse class:return new JsonResponse($response);
In the previous coding week I had created the configuration form for the fontawesome_bundle sub-module but did not create the default configuration so in this week I've created the .config.yml file in the directory config/install/ and provided the default values for the configuration form.
The following screenshot shows the directory structure of the project until this point:
The challenges faced during this week were to understand the structure of the icons.yml file structure and parse the icon data using the Symfony's Yaml::parse function to fetch the icon data and save it in the cache and also how to narrow down the icon list and return it as the JSON repsonse.
For the next week, I'll be coding the fontawesome_bundle.module file to load the appropriate icon library as saved through the configuration form and altering the library location if the library does not exists in the local directory of the module.
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