The Google Summer of Code has reached the end of the week #5 of the coding period with my project " Complete porting of Icons API to Drupal 8 " being progressing smoothly with interesting challenges along the way. In my previous blog post , I had mentioned that I'll be implementing the Icon Menu sub-module's form with the select field having the list of icon bundles installed and they will be fetched using the Plugin API and this select field will have an ajax callback which will alter the #autocomplete_route_name value of the Search icon text field. During this week, I've implemented the form for the menu configuration page with the icon fields attached using the hook_form_alter() hook and this form will be visible to the form with the id menu_link_content_menu_link_content_form and menu_link_edit and as these form have the plugin ID stored at different locations the following snippet of code is used to fetch the desired plugin id from the appropr...