The Google Summer of Code has reached the end of the week #10 of the coding period with my project " Complete porting of Icons API to Drupal 8 " being progressing smoothly with interesting challenges along the way. In my previous blog post , I had mentioned that I'll be finishing the Icon Field submodule and checking the whole project code to find the potential bugs or future errors. During this week, I've implemented the Field Formatter and wrote a twig template to render the icon which was defined using the hook_theme() in the icon_field.module file. The twig template(defined in templates/icon-field.html.twig ) to render the icons is as follows: {# Icon Field Twig template for displaying the icon #} {% if link is not empty %} <a href="{{ link }}"> {% endif %} <{{ wrapper }} class="fa fa-{{ icon }} {{ wrapper_classes|join(' ') }}"></{{ wrapper }}> {% if link is not empty %} </a> {% endif %} In th...